
At 18 years

Most youth that arrive alone in Switzerland are between the ages of 15-18yrs. These first steps as an “adult” concerns therefore most young migrants and represents an essential stage in their lives.

Being 18 years.

In Switzerland, the age of majority is 18 years and all persons are considered “adults” at this age.

Reaching adulthood is an important step in your life. It entails new rights and new obligations.

What are the changes?

When reaching the age of majority, young adults in principle no longer benefit from laws applying to minors. Nevertheless, some cantons continue to provide aid for young adults to avoid an abrupt change from the status of “youth” to “adulthood”.

Some difficulties can appear concerning access to aid services and schooling. To better prepare for the future, it is advisable to discuss the changes that becoming an adult will entail with your guardian or trustee. Your guardian or trustee can best explain the changes depending on the canton.